
健康、安全与环境 - 湿度计

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FLIR MR265 是集针式和无针式水份仪于一身的热像仪,用于显示确切位置,可检查与潮湿、气体泄漏和隔热层缺失相关的问题。MR265 采用 IGM(红外成像引导测量)和 MSX®专利号:CN201380073584.9)(多波段动态成像增强)技术,可帮助您快速扫描和定位问题区域,直观地为您指引相应位置,让您可以放心测量、分析读数,并确保问题得到解决。利用 FLIR Thermal Studio软件,您可以生成和共享专业报告,其中包括维修的结论和证明,让客户放心——因为发霉、腐烂或潮湿问题已得到妥善解决。



MR277是FLIR首款结合了红外成像引导测量技术(IGM)、专利性多波段动态成像(MSX)(专利号:CN201380073584.9)以及先进的环境传感器的建筑物检测系统,可以帮助您快速定位问题、清晰识别问题并轻松记录问题。利用IGM技术和激光指示器隔离区域,然后您可以使用集成的无探针式湿度传感器进行无损测量或外置探针进行侵入式测量。MR277采用可现场更换的湿度/温度传感器,能够自动计算并显示环境读数,使您能够快速完成工作,缩短停机时间。利用METERLiNK连接外部设备,使用FLIR Tools增强故障排除和报告的功能。



FLIR MR176红外成像温湿度计采用IGM红外成像引导测量技术,内置80×60的FLIR Lepton®热成像传感器,能精确定位湿气问题藏匿之处。配备激光与十字准星,能精确反映热图像中存在潜在湿气问题的位置。集成无探针式传感器及外置探针,使您能够灵活选择执行非插入式测量还是插入式测量。现场可更换的温度与相对湿度传感器提供更大便利。


采用 METERLiNK技术的 5 合 1 温湿度计

FLIR MR77拥有进行水分修复或暖通空调维修所需的一切配置:一个无探针式温湿度传感器和一个外置探针,一个温度与相对湿度传感器和一个红外测温仪。这款仪表还采用蓝牙技术和METERLiNK技术,通过前者可实现远程查看及分享;通过后者可以将检测读数无线嵌入兼容的FLIR红外热像仪上的辐射红外热图像中。FLIR MR77配备可现场更换的传感器,旨在助您更高效地开展工作。



FLIR MR60 Pro水份测量仪是一款易于使用且拥有先进功能的探针式和无探针式二合一水份测量仪。集成无探针式传感器及外置探针,使您能够灵活选择执行有损测量还是无损测量。从11个材料组中选择其中一个用于探针式水分测量,或者设定一个参考点以进行无探针式水分扫描。然后便捷地将测量值的屏幕截图保存为标注有日期、时间和设置的CSV文件。



FLIR MR59是一款无探针式测量仪,具有无线连接功能,可通过FLIR Tools移动应用程序轻松查看移动设备的读数。凭借球形传感器,用户能够在短时间内无痕覆盖大面积;轻松测量角落和踢脚线周围的区域;并检测表面上看不见的问题。



FLIR MR55是一款探针式测量仪,具有无线连接功能,可通过FLIR Tools移动应用程序轻松查看移动设备的读数。凭借含11组材料的内置数据库,用户能够根据测量材料调节测量仪以提高测量精确度。使用移动设备扫描测量仪背面的二维码即可在FLIR.com网站上轻松访问该数据库。


水份测量仪 + 照明灯

FLIR MR40是一款坚固耐用的便携式单量程双探针水份测量仪,内置照明灯,适用于测量木材和常见建筑材料,是建筑工人、建筑检查员、重建人员、水分修复技术人员、害虫控制专家以及住宅铺屋顶和铺地板承包商的理想之选。MR40是快捷、简单易用的查找和量化水分的工具,以极其经济实惠的价格提供可靠、精确的测量结果。

Extech DAT12


Extech DAT12 是 MO55W 和 MM750W 的备用蓝牙数据记录模块。

Extech MO-P1

Moisture Pin Probe

The Extech MO-P1 Moisture Pin Probe is compatible with the MO265 and MO270 moisture meters. It includes dual sharp pins and a 76.2 cm (30 in) cable with RJ45 connecter.

Extech MO100


Extech MO100 是一款袖珍型湿度计,用于测量木材、石膏和建筑材料中的水分含量。它具有独特的双 LCD 显示屏,可同时显示墙壁湿度(0 至 100)和空气温度(0°C 至 50°C/32°F 至 122°F)。多位置传感器探针可缩回,便于安全存放。Extech MO100 操作简单,配有可选侧开关(关闭、测试、校准),还提供数据保持功能,可冻结屏幕上的读数,并可进行校准调整,以增加重复性。它配有备用探针、两节 AAA 电池和存储箱。

Extech MO200-PINS

备用探针,适用于 MO210/MO260/MO265 湿度计

Extech MO200-PINS 是一组湿度计备用探针。该产品适用于 MO210、MO260 和 MO265 湿度计,可现场更换。包含 50 根耐用的探针。

Extech MO210

Pocket Moisture Meter with 2-in-1 Digital LCD Readout and Analog Bar Graph

The Extech MO210 Pocket Moisture Meter allows you to quickly assess whether wood and other porous materials have endured any water incursion. Simply push the sharply pointed electrode pins into the surface of sheetrock, drywall, wallboard, concrete, mortar, plaster or other building materials and the device will detect moisture levels between 0.2% to 2.4%. Slide the material-selection switch to wood and the handheld meter will determine moisture presence in timber from 6% to 44%. Complete with protective cap, replacement pins, and three CR-2032 button batteries.

Extech MO220


Extech MO220 专为监控木材内水分含量而设计。存储器内存有 8 个木材组,所含校准适用于约 170 种木材。采用内置针状电极或者耐用型远程探针(已包含)。它采用坚固耐用的双模塑外壳结构设计,尺寸小巧,适合单手操作。MO220 的功能包括校准检查、可由用户设置的自动关机(1 至 9 分钟,可禁用),以及电池低电量提示。配有保护盖、温度探头、重型远程湿度探头、备用测量探针、两节 AAA 电池和软壳。

Extech MO220-PINS

50 根适用于 MO220/MO290-P 的备用探针

Extech MO220-PINS 是一套(50 根)用于 MO220 湿度计和 MO290-P 湿度探头的备用探针。探针的深度为 1 cm。

Extech MO230

Pocket Moisture Meter

The Extech MO230 Pocket Moisture Meter's large dual graphical LCD displays moisture in wood and other building materials plus air temperature and relative humidity. The analog bargraph displays moisture, minimum/maximum moisture values, and programmable wet/dry indication. Use on wood, paper, wallboard, sheet rock, cardboard, plaster, concrete, and mortar. The memory contains 3 wood groups and four building material groups with calibrations for approximately 150 species of wood and 19 building material types. The index mode has programmable high and low values to quickly locate moisture with comparative measurement. Includes replaceable threaded electrode pins, impact proof housing, auto power off which conserves battery energy, built-in battery check, and measurement verification test. Complete with protective cap, replacement pins, and three CR-2032 button batteries.

Extech MO25


Extech MO25 是一款用于木材和建筑材料的轻质笔式紧凑型湿度计。在十个湿度等级中选择一个后,用户会收到声音警报和 LED 指示灯的信号,表明被测物体超过了给定阈值。这款湿度笔具有数据保持和电池电量检查功能,不使用时会自动关机。用于壁板、石膏夹心纸板、硬纸板、石膏、混凝土和砂浆。配有两个探针(已安装)、保护盖、内置便携式夹子和一节 AAA 电池。

Extech MO257

Pinless Moisture Meter

Take non-invasive, pinless moisture measurements on wood and building materials with Extech's MO257 Moisture Meter. Easy-to-operate with automatic calibration, this meter has a ball moisture sensor that provides smooth gliding on hard or delicate surfaces. A large backlit triple LCD displays moisture reading and Max and Min readings; user can also adjust two alarm levels to display a visual alert (flashing “RISK” or “WET” indicators) plus a beeper alert. The MO257 is a must-have tool for analyzing the after-effects of water leakage behind walls and in ceilings and also measuring moisture content on a non-flat surface.

Extech MO260

Combination Pin/Pinless Moisture Meter

The Extech MO260 is a combination pin/pinless moisture meter that can both measure the relative moisture in wood and other building materials using pinless technology and determine percentage of moisture in sheetrock and other materials using the direct pin method. Measurements are displayed on a digital LCD with backlighting and a tri-color LED bargraph. Pinless non-invasive measurement depth to 22 mm (0.75 in) below the surface. Complete with 9V battery, replacement pins, protective cap, and pouch case.

Extech MO260-RK

Restoration Kit

The Extech MO260-RK Restoration Kit features the MO260 Combination Pin/Pinless Moisture Meter and the RH490 Precision Hygro-Thermometer. The MO260 monitors moisture in wood and other building materials with virtually no surface damage. Choose from % WME (wood moisture equivalent), pin moisture reading (6.0% to 94.8%), or relative pinless moisture reading for non-invasive measurements. It has a measurement depth of up to 22 mm (0.75 in) below the surface. The digital LCD readout with backlighting also features a tricolor LED bargraph. The RH490 measures temperature, humidity, dew point, wet bulb, and mixing ratio in GPP (grains per kilogram/grains per pound). It features less than 30 second RH response time with 2% RH accuracy and a dual backlit display. The kit is supplied in a hard carrying case that provides protection and organization for the meters and accessories whenever they are needed.

Extech MO265

Combination Pin/Pinless Moisture Meter

The Extech MO265 is a combination pin/pinless moisture meter that can both measure the relative moisture in wood and other building materials using pinless technology and determine percentage of moisture in sheetrock and other materials using the direct pin method. Measurements are displayed on a digital LCD with backlighting and a tri-color LED bargraph. Pinless non-invasive measurement depth to 22 mm (0.75 in) below the surface. In addition, a remote pin probe is included to measure moisture in difficult to access places. Complete with 9-Volt battery, replacement pins, remote pin probe, protective cap, and pouch case.

Extech MO270

Wireless Pin/Pinless Moisture Meter

The Extech MO270 is a Wireless Pin/Pinless Moisture Meter with detachable pin/pinless sensors that transmit data to the display, and can be viewed up to 20 m (65 ft) from the measurement point. Measurements are viewed on a full color graphical display. Readings from 8 remote sensors can be viewed on the display. The receiver can record data from 40 remote sensors simultaneously. Trending Mode displays a graphical representation of live readings for fast scanning of large areas. An included telescoping handle extends to 1.2 m (4 ft) for measurements in ceilings or in hard to reach areas (optional 3 m (9.8 ft) and 5 m (16.4 ft) handles available). Complete with 9 V battery, remote pin probe, replacement pins, protective cap, and pouch case.

Extech MO280

Pinless Moisture Meter

The Extech MO280 provides non-invasive moisture measurements in wood and other building materials with virtually no surface damage. With a measurement depth to 22 mm (0.75 in) below the surface, the MO280 uses electro-magnetic technology to quickly indicate the moisture content in building materials. Select from 10 wood types and measurement ranges. The LCD displays percentage of moisture in the wood or other material being tested. The MO280 also features an automatic internal test and calibration and low battery indication. Complete with 9V battery and pouch case.

Extech MO280-KH

Home Inspector Kit

Aiding in the identification of moisture, HVAC, and electrical and hot water system issues, the Extech MO280-KH Home Inspector Kit is specifically designed for home inspection professionals. It includes a pinless moisture meter for non-invasive measurement, a mini infrared thermometer that’s ideal for testing HVAC supply and return applications, a GFCI Receptacle Tester that tests GFCI circuits, and a waterproof stem thermometer that is ideal for testing hot water heaters. It is supplied in an attractive storage case that provides protection and organization for the testers whenever they are needed.