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FLIR Screen-EST是一款高效、准确的桌面软件,用于在高流量区域进行体温异常筛查。当连接到FLIR红外热像仪时,该桌面软件自动检测进入摄像机视场角的个体,并在几秒钟内定位热点,测量体表温度。如果测量温度高于平均值,警报会通知操作员,操作员可以立即确定是否需要用医疗设备进行二次筛查。FLIR Screen-EST桌面软件可以在几分钟内完成设置,操作员可在安全距离内对员工进行筛查,降低疾病在员工中的传播概率。FLIR Screen-EST桌面软件是维护员工健康和减少工作中断的重要工具。 不同于FLIR Screen-EST桌面软件,FLIR Screen-EST模式是内置于热像仪中的体表温度筛查模式,可轻松测量皮肤温度是否升高。当检测温度与采样平均值相比高于用户定义的阈值时,该模式可显示警报。


手持式热像仪FLIR EST红外筛查解决方案

FLIR T560-EST手持式红外热像仪是一款非接触式筛查工具,可作为抵御潜在健康风险的一道防线。FLIR EST热像仪筛查解决方案会检测热辐射并将其可视化,以快速识别体表温度偏高的人。由电池供电并且内置触屏显示,T560-EST可以方便快速地配置,适合临时或流动筛查点使用。FLIR热像仪内置的Screen-EST筛查模式提供可视化的位置指引,并自动采样以保持跟进平均体温的变化,并对筛查结果显示通过/未通过图标,充分减轻筛查点操作人员的工作负担。640 × 480像素的红外探测器提供这个系列的手持式FLIR EST热像仪中最高的分辨率。适用FLIR Screen-EST 桌面软件,让这款热像仪成为固定筛查装置的理想选择。


手持式热像仪FLIR EST红外筛查解决方案

FLIR T540-EST手持式红外热像仪是一款非接触式筛查工具,可作为抵御潜在健康风险的第一道防线。这款分辨率为464 × 348像素的FLIR EST热像仪筛查解决方案会检测热辐射并将其可视化,以快速识别体表温度偏高的人。由电池供电并且内置触屏显示,T540-EST可以方便快速地配置,适合临时或流动筛查点使用。FLIR热像仪内置的Screen-EST筛查模式提供可视化的位置指引,并自动采样以保持跟进平均体温的变化,并对筛查结果显示通过/未通过图标,充分减轻筛查点操作人员的工作负担。适用FLIR Screen-EST 桌面软件,集成三脚架接口,可使用外接电源,让这款热像仪成为固定筛查装置的理想选择。


手持式热像仪FLIR EST红外筛查解决方案

FLIR E86-EST手持式红外热像仪是一款非接触式筛查工具,可作为抵御潜在健康风险的第一道防线。FLIR EST热像仪筛查解决方案会检测热辐射并将其可视化,以快速识别体表温度偏高的人。E86-EST具有320×240红外图像分辨率和明亮的触摸屏,提供精确、易于解读的温度测量。FLIR热像仪内置的Screen-EST筛查模式提供可视化的位置指引,并自动采样以保持跟进平均体温的变化,并对筛查结果显示通过/未通过图标,充分减轻筛查点操作人员的工作负担。适用FLIR Screen-EST 桌面软件,集成三脚架接口,可使用外接电源,让这款热像仪成为固定筛查装置的理想选择。


手持式热像仪FLIR EST红外筛查解决方案

FLIR E54-EST手持式红外热像仪是一款非接触式筛查工具,可作为抵御潜在健康风险的第一道防线。FLIR EST热像仪筛查解决方案会检测热辐射并将其可视化,以快速识别体表温度偏高的人。E54-EST具有320×240红外图像分辨率和明亮的触摸屏,提供精确、易于解读的温度测量。FLIR热像仪内置的Screen-EST筛查模式提供可视化的位置指引,并自动采样以保持跟进平均体温的变化,并对筛查结果显示通过/未通过图标,充分减轻筛查点操作人员的工作负担。适用FLIR Screen-EST 桌面软件,集成三脚架接口,可使用外接电源,让这款热像仪成为固定筛查装置的理想选择。

Cameleon Tactical

Perimeter Intrusion Detection Software

The Cameleon™ Tactical advanced camera control system is designed to provide a highly-customizable, user-friendly environment for security and surveillance applications. Its strength is its ability to control virtually any number and combination of analog and IP devices from different manufacturers with point and click simplicity. Cameleon Tactical seamlessly integrates cameras, monitors, switchers, DVRs and a host of other types of devices. Custom-developed drivers provide easy integration of legacy equipment with new systems, helping ensure cost-effectiveness.

FLIR Elara DX-Series

The FLIR Elara™ DX-Series multispectral pan/tilt/zoom (PTZ) security camera provides full situational awareness in the most punishing environments. Combining thermal and visible light imagers, the Elara DX-Series gives operators the ability to monitor large areas in complete darkness, glaring light, and adverse weather. The exceptional detection and identification capabilities of multispectral cameras help integrators provide solutions for challenging imaging problems at critical infrastructure sites and remote facilities.


Skin Temperature Screening Solution

Quickly screen passengers, customers, or employees for signs of elevated skin temperature with this turnkey solution. The FLIR EST Kiosk combines the temperature measurement capabilities of a thermal imaging camera plus FLIR Screen-EST™ software with the convenience of a tablet display and floor stand. This kiosk sets up in minutes, offering fully automated, self-service screening that targets the inner canthus (corner of the eye) for accurate skin temperature measurement.


Thermal AI Analytics Camera

The FLIR FC-Series AI is a thermal analytics security camera that offers a reliable, cost-effective way to protect perimeters from intrusion. The AI analytics combines both DNN and motion analytics that together enhances situational awareness and incident detection, enabling users to make better informed decisions that increases safety and improves coordination and efficiency. The FLIR FC-Series AI's thermal sensitivity (<25 mK NETD) provides crisp image clarity positively impacting the quality and performance of analytics. In addition, the FC-Series AI provides the widest range of lens options and cyber-hardened, seamless integration with Video Management Systems including FLIR UVMS and 3rd party video management systems.


Thermal Radiometric Camera

The FLIR FC-Series AI-R is a ruggedized thermal radiometric camera that integrates industry-leading thermal imaging to detect hot spots and combustion risks in harsh outdoor environments and remote areas. When the object surface temperature reaches pre-set upper thresholds, the FC-Series AI-R continuously monitors for temperature changes or hot spots in areas prone to fire risks, such as storage containers, warehouses, combustible piles, landfills, and waste bunkers. Upon detecting a hot spot or significant temperature change, the camera promptly sends an alarm to the Video Management System (VMS) for immediate assessment and swift deployment of response tactics. Integrating Deep Neural Network and motion analytics, with a thermal sensitivity of <35 mK NETD, the FC-Series AI-R offers enhanced situational awareness and clear image quality. This camera also offers a range of lens options and boasts cyber-hardened integration with both FLIR UVMS and third-party VMS, making it a versatile tool for perimeter security and physical asset safety.

Quasar Premium Mini-Dome AI

500 万像素高清和 4K 超高清网络热像仪

FLIR Quasar Premium Mini-Dome AI 热像仪可在需要证据和取证视频这种极为苛刻的环境下提供先进的人工智能、视频分析和增强的态势感知能力。Premium Mini-Dome AI 是一种隐蔽式监控选择,它完全符合 NDAA,并利用了高端网络安全保障措施。针对低光/无光条件的先进功能,确保您在所有室内和室外情况下都能获得出色的视频质量。在与 FLIR 附件和安装生态系统相结合后,FLIR Quasar Premium Mini-Dome AI 热像仪还可与各种视频管理系统无缝集成,为您提供更具成本效益的端到端监控解决方案。

RAVEN 场地规划工具


Raven 是一款专业的场地规划工具,以易于使用的 Google Maps 布局,为规划者、集成商和终端用户提供热像仪模拟。您可以借助 Raven,使用我们全新的技术解决方案,如 FLIR Elara R290 雷达、Quasar 4K 可见光 PTZ 摄像机和 FH ID 系列多光谱固定摄像头等,将您的方案显示在地图上。通过 Raven,您不仅可以使用我们的安防产品组合,还可以将您的交通监控摄像头系统对新型 ITS 摄像头的需求显示在地图上。