
Teledyne FLIR和WWF:利用热成像技术打击非法捕猎

Teledyne FLIR自2016年起与世界野生动物基金会(WWF)合作,为非洲护林员提供红外热像仪技术,助其执行打击非法捕猎任务。每年在全球范围内濒危和受保护野生动物的非法交易额可达200亿美元,这些非法交易与有组织犯罪活动有关。偷猎者通常在夜幕的遮掩下行动,而红外热像仪为护林员提供竞争优势,使其能在黑夜中洞察一切。


Catching Poachers in the Act

Illegal global trade of endangered and protected animals brings in an estimated $20 billion annually. One of the ways to stop it is to catch poachers before they strike.

Challenges include:
  • - Immense areas to patrol
  • - Limited numbers of rangers
  • - Dual roles protecting wildlife and local communities
  • - Nighttime poaching activity
FLIR thermal imaging cameras:
  • - Can monitor wide areas
  • - Generate images based on heat
  • - See clearly in the dark and through smoke, dust,and light fog
  • - Are sensitive enough for long-range detection of people or animals

For these reasons, FLIR thermal imaging cameras can be a vital tool for park rangers.

The Poaching Problem

  • - In 2011, authorities uncovered more than 23 metric tons of illegal ivory in 13 seizures
  • - Rhino poaching in South Africa increased 7,700% between 2007 and 2013
  • - Rhino horn can sell for as much as $60,000 per pound
  • - More than 100 rangers died on duty in 2015 and many more were injured, according to a recent report by the International Ranger Federation (IRF). Of these rangers, 42% were killed by poachers. And almost 90% of them worked in the two most dangerous continents for rangers: Asia and Africa





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