Extech 42545


42545 是一款高温红外测温仪,最高可测量 -50 至 1000°C 的温度,具有 50:1 的距离系数比和可识别目标区域的激光指示器。由于具有 50:1 的高距离系数比,本产品可以在更远的距离处测量更小的表面积,从而可以安全而准确地读数。配备大尺寸背光液晶显示屏。其发射率可以调节。配备 9V 电池和便携箱。

Extech 42570


此双激光红外测温仪可识别双激光在距目标约 127cm 处会聚成单个点的红外温度。该仪表具有 100 毫秒的快速响应时间、K 型输入和一个 USB 接口。其发射率可以调节,以确保针对不同表面提高测量精度。具有可调节的高温/低温设定点;当温度超过编程的设定点时,设备会发出声音警报来以提醒您。具有 MAX/MIN/AVG/DIF 测量功能,分别表示最高值、最低值、平均值和最高值减去最低值得到的差值。配有常用 K 型热电偶探头、USB 线和软件、便携箱和 9V 电池。

Extech 801515

常用 J 型探头(-40 至 842°F)

Extech 801515 是一款常用 J 型热电偶探头。其温度范围为 -40°C 至 450°C。可与用于任何接受 J 型探头的仪表。提供六个月质保。已通过 CE 认证。

Extech 850186

表面温度 RTD 探针(-40 至 250°C)

Extech 850186 是一款表面温度 RTD 探针。它有一个铂 RTD 温度传感器(100 欧姆),能够测量 -40°C至 250°C 的温度。适用于 Extech 407907 型号的产品。提供 6 个月质保。

Extech 850187

通用型 RTD 温度探针(-40 至 500°C)

Extech 850187 是一款通用型 RTD 温度探针。这款 RTD 探针用于 Extech 407907。其温度范围为 -40°C 至 500°C。产品提供六个月质保。已通过 CE 认证。

Extech 850189

Air Temperature RTD Probe (-40 to 500°C)

The Extech 850189 is an Air Temperature RTD Probe capable of air temperature measurements from -40°C to 500°C (-40°F to 932°F). Features a 4 wire, Pt-100 Ohm RTD probe with a 4 pin DIN plug and a six month warranty.

Extech 871515

K 型通用温度探头

Extech 871515 是一款 K 型通用温度探头,可准确测量 -40°C 至 700°C(-40°F 至 1292°F)的温度。探头长 100 毫米(4 英寸),直径 3.2 毫米(0.126 英寸),通过 K 型迷你连接器连接到 1 米(39 英寸)电缆上,因此可与任何支持 K 型探头输入的仪表兼容。Extech 871515 有 6 个月的保修期。

Extech 872502

Bead Wire Type J Temperature Probe (-40 to 392°F)

The Extech 872502 is a Bead Wire Temperature Probe with a subminiature Type J connector. It has a temperature range of -40°C to 200°C (-40°F to 392°F) and is compatible with most multimeters that have Type J temperature function. Complete with a 1 m (39 in) cable and a six month warranty.

Extech 881602

K 型热电偶表面探头(-40 至 500°C)

Extech 881602 是一款 K 型热电偶表面探头,具有 -40°C 至 500°C 的大温度范围。它配有带 K 型热电偶迷你连接器的 1.8 m 卷缆。可用于任何带 K 型连接器的仪表。

Extech 881603

K 型热电偶浸入式探头(-50 至 700°C)

Extech 881603 是一款 K 型热电偶浸入式探头。可用于任何带 K 型连接器的仪表。

Extech 881605

Type-K Immersion Probe (-328 to 1292°F)

The Extech 881605 is a Type-K general purpose temperature probe. For use with any meter that has a Type-K connector. Has a temperature range of -200°C to 700°C (-328°F to 1292°F).

Extech 881616

Magnetized Type-K Surface Probe (-40 to 392°F)

The Extech 881616 is a Type-K magnetic grill temperature probe. For use with any meter that has a Type-K connector. This grill temperature probe features a temperature range from -40°C to 200°C (-40°F to 392°F).

Extech EA10

EasyView 双通道输入测温仪

Extech EA10 EasyView 双通道输入测温仪是一款基本的 K 型热电偶,具有很宽的温度范围。其温度范围为 -200°C 至 1360°C,分辨率为 1°C。它具有数据保持、自动关机、电池低电量显示和超量程指示功能。配有内置支架、保护皮套、两个 K 型细珠热电偶探头和电池。

Extech EA11A

EasyView™ K 型单通道输入测温仪

EA11A 是一款 easyview K 型单通道输入测温仪。该手持式测温仪的温度范围(K 型)为 -50 至 1300°C。配备双显示液晶屏,可手动存储/调取最多 150 个读数,并具有最小值/最大值/平均值模式的功能。包含 6 节 AAA 电池、常用细珠 K 型热电偶探头和保护套。

Extech EA15

EasyView™ 双通道输入温度数据记录仪

EA15 是一款 EasyView 双通道输入温度数据记录仪,可测量 -200 至 1360 摄氏度的温度。带计时器功能,可显示运行时间,以及获得最小/最大测量读数的时间。可记录最大/最小读数,以供今后调用。内置的数据记录仪最多可存储 8800 个数据集。配有内置支架、保护皮套、两个细珠 K 型热电偶探头和电池。

Extech IR100

Mini IR Thermometer

The Extech IR100 Mini IR Thermometer has a temperature range from -33°C to 230°C (-34°F to 446°F). Its fixed 0.95 emissivity covers 90 percent of all surface applications. This meter has an economical, miniature-sized design for better convenience. It features automatic data hold when the measure button is released, as well as max/min hold and an auto power off function. Also, there is a lock feature for continuous scanning. The IR100 comes complete with a CR 2032 3 V battery.

Extech IR201A

Pocket IR Thermometer

The Extech IR201A is a wide range non-contact Infrared Thermometer with a built-in laser pointer to identify target areas and improve aim. It has a wide temperature range of -20°C to 270°C (-4°F to 518°F), adjustable emissivity for better accuracy on different surfaces, and a lock mode for continuous scanning, all in a convenient, pocket-sized design. The IR201A features data hold, max hold, auto power off functions. Complete with two AAA batteries and pouch case.

Extech IR250

Mini InfraRed Thermometer

The Extec IR250 is a compact, non-contact InfraRed Thermometer that measures up to 260°C (500°F). It's built-in laser pointer can be used to identify target areas and improve aim. The fixed 0.95 emissivity covers 90% of surface applications. Backlighting for taking measurements at night or in dimly lit areas.

Extech IR260

Compact InfraRed Thermometer

The Extech IR260 is a 12:1 Compact Infrared Thermometer with a visual and audible high/low Alarm. Without any contact, the IR260 can measure up to 400°C (752°F) thanks to its built in laser pointer that identifies target areas and improves aim. It features adjustable emissivity for better accuracy when measuring temperature on different surface materials. Complete with two AA batteries.

Extech IR267

迷你红外测温仪(带 K 型探头输入)

这款紧凑型非接触式红外测温仪具有高达 600°C 的测温范围,内置有激光指示器,可识别目标区域,改进对准。K 型探头输入可实现高达 1000°C 的高温测量。内置的温度传感器也可测量空气温度。可调发射率功能能够在测量多种表面温度时提高精度。

Extech IR270


Extech IR270 响应快速、精度高,是快速检查过程中多个点,或采集温度峰值的理想选择。容易编程的高/低警报,再加上三色显示屏和声音警报装置,实现了对最高 650°C 温度的非接触式测量。

Extech IR300UV

IR Thermometer with UV Leak Detector

The Extech IR300UV is a professional 4-in-1 IR Thermometer, UV Leak Detector, bright flashlight, and a unique coaxial distance to spot guidance laser. This combination meter helps you take quick temperature readings on unsafe surfaces while the circular laser shows you the area being measured to maintain accurate measurement distance. Its UV light easily reveals refrigerant leaks in combination with a standard UV dye (not included) on AC units, pipes, and automotives. Convenient built-in bright flashlight will help you do your job in dark environment. Complete with three AA batteries.

Extech IR320


Extech IR320 采用防水 (IP65) 和 3 米防跌落保护的坚固设计,可快速而准确地测量最高 650°C 的温度。其双引导激光器以 12:1 的距离系数比显示两个点之间的目标区域。它采用带红色(高)和蓝色(低)可视 LED 警报的可编程高低警报器。其锁定功能可实现连续测量。

Extech IR400


IR400 是一款紧凑型测温仪,可测量最大 332°C 的温度,其内置的激光指示器,可识别目标区域和改进对准。背光照明显示器方便夜晚或在环境光线较暗的环境中进行测量。采用固定发射率 0.95,可适用于 90% 的表面应用。配有 9V 电池和便携箱。