Extech TL708


Extech TL708 鳄鱼夹带有齿形钳口,确保牢牢抓握细线。这是一种重载鳄鱼夹,具有 1000 V、6 A CAT IV-600 V 和 CAT III-1000 V 安全等级。每个钳口的长度为 2.5 cm,开口宽度为 4.1 cm。鳄鱼夹的总长度为 10.7 cm。

Extech TL744


Extech TL744 扁脚测试探头套装是按照插座的尺寸设计的。探头长 17.8 mm,带 2.5 mm 的扁平尖端。这些测试探头的总长度为 12.4 cm。该套装的额定值为 1000 V、10 A、CAT IV-600C 和 CAT III-1000V。

Extech TL747


Extech TL747 电子元件尖锐测试探头套件用于高密度元件和电路板,并可用于穿透绝缘层。它有一个 8.9 mm 长的尖端,直径 2 mm。该测试探头套件的总长度为 10.2 cm。该套件的额定值为 CAT III-1000V。

Extech TL803

General Purpose Test Leads

The Extech TL803 General Purpose Test Leads have protective tip covers for safety during storage. Includes standard replacement test leads with shrouded banana connectors and molded strain reliefs. Compatible with most multimeters. The TL803 test leads have a 10 A capacity and are rated at CAT III-1000 V.

Extech TL805


Extech TL805 双注塑测试引线采用了方便的防滑抓握设计。这些引线是与大部分万用表兼容的专业级测试引线。它们是双涂层 PVC 引线,具有白色的内层,方便识别损坏的引线。包含用于减轻插座磨损的无扭香蕉插头、用于提高电缆柔韧度的超柔韧模塑应力消除装置,以及方便操作位于狭窄空间内的测试点的 D 形手指防护装置。

Extech TL807C

Insulated Alligator Clips

The Extech TL807C is a set of insulated alligator clips for use with Extech TL803 Test Leads.

Extech TL808-KIT

Professional Test Lead Kit

The Extech TL808-KIT is an 8-piece Professional Test Lead Kit. It includes large carrying case with wrist strap that provides storage for the kit and additional space for your meter. Comes with CATIII-1000V safety rating and carrying case.

Extech TL810

Electrical Test Lead Kit

The Extech TL810 Electrical Test Lead Kit is double insulated with a CAT III-1000 V rating for your protection. The eight piece electrical test lead includes two 101.6 cm (40 in) PVC lead extensions with shrouded banana plugs on each end. It includes two very sharp, extra long 0.8 cm (0.3 in) stainless steel tipped plug on test probes and two stainless steel flat tip test probes. Also, this kit includes two plunger activated retractable jaw clips with a wide 1.9 cm (0.75 in) jaw opening.

Extech TL831


Extech TL831 主电气测试引线套装是一款工业级十件装套件。它包含 TL726 双模塑硅氧树脂测试引线、TL747 电子元件尖锐测试探头套件和 TL741 重载柱塞式钩夹套件。该套装还包含 TL742 重型柱塞式钳夹套件、TL740 工业柱塞式测试夹子和 TL708 大号鳄鱼夹套件。所有组件均配有便利的保护袋便携箱,可随身携带。

Extech TL833


Extech TL833 工业级测试引线套件是一款 12 件装套件,具有 CAT III-1000 V 的额定值。该套件包含 TL726 双模塑硅氧树脂测试引线、TL740 工业级柱塞式测试夹和 TL741 柱塞式钩夹套件。该套件还包含 TL708 鳄鱼夹套件、TL743 细长探头套件以及带香蕉适配器的 TP873 K 型细珠热电偶探头。可方便地存放在保护袋便携箱中,便于整齐摆放并保证安全。

Extech TL841

Test Lead Kit

The Extech TL841 Test Lead Kit is a test lead set with straight probes that are CAT III-1000 V rated with a capacity of 16 A. The kit comes with an alligator clip set with a CAT III-300 V rating and a capacity of 5 A. Includes the TL743 slim reach test probe set and the spade lugs which have a 4 mm (0.16 in) opening, 30 VAC/60 VDC, and a capacity of 5 A. This kit also includes the test leads, right angle, straight end, and CAT III-1000 V rated with a capacity of 16 A. Comes with the hook tips, pincer tip and couplers and is conveniently stored in a pouch case.

Extech TP809


TL809 是一款 8 件式专业测试引线套装。包括 3 隔间可密封尼龙袋,可收纳/保护测试引线。达到 CAT III-1000V 安全等级。